“Chena Chill” | 11x14” | watercolor, acrylic, and pen on paper | 2021

Ch’eno’ | Chena River

Traditional Name: Ch'eno'

USGS Name: Chena River

Chena comes from the from Tanana Athabaskan Ch'eno', which translates to 'river of something (game).' This name is thought to be a reference to the presence of caribou herds in the lower Chena valley and is within the historic range of the Fortymile Caribou Herd.

Neighboring names – Chena Hotsprings, Chena Ridge, Chena Dome etc. derive from the name of the river, an approximately 100-mile tributary of the Tanana River in Interior Alaska.

Learn more about Athabaskan place names near the Fairbanks area here, or browse a storymap outlining modern wildlife, recreation, and restoration efforts along the river.


Arrigetch Peaks

